Friday, March 23, 2012

Irrational People

I don't understand people alot of the time. I think maybe its just part of who I am and something that I can't control. But I wish I could. Its one of those things that you wish was different about yourself. I sometimes wish that I was happier in general, thought better of myself, wasn't so selfish, or was more outgoing. But this is just something that I guess is weird. I find people irrational and a bit annoying more then 80% of the time I'd say. Some things just irk me more then others. Like my boyfriend if or when he doesnt follow a previously set plan. He doesnt see the big issue there but I do. I get my hopes up for one thing to happen and then there is changing it for no particular reason just because he thinks something else may work better. I even sometimes bring up such points before the plans are set and he still says it will be fine only to find out later that it wont. I guess I'm more of a thinker/planner and thats why I get so annoyed by such things. But there are other things like I'll talk to someone about drinking or doing drugs and say that I disapprove over one more then the other they will try to see my side and on occsion agree partially with what I have to say. And then we will get to wherever we are going and there they are doing exactly what I said bothered me right in front of me. Maybe it's silly of me to get upset about something like this but I worry about people. I care about their health and general well being. Even if I dont like someone I feel bad for them and try to help as much as I can, I may be hating it the whole time but I'll still help. Anyways I'm working on myself at the moment, trying to make myself change in a way maybe for the better. I want to be slightly more outgoing, a little bit more care free and as happy as someone can be without anyone elses help.


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